I had the great pleasure of working with Carla Monaco again at my home studio in Malmesbury. I had some very specifics sets to go through and Carla was prepared as we had discussed via a moodboard.
Set 1 – These images we used natural light with a Gridded beauty dish to add a little more light to the face. The dress look is only a piece of fabric expertly worn by Carla and clipped at the back. The idea was to give a simple uncomplicated fashion type image.
Set 2 – We kept the lighting the same but changed it up with a black jacket
Set 3 – Again same light setup and this time a 70’s glamour feel with the Jacket that Carla came 🙂 The natural light in my Light studio is amazing for this type of work.
Set 4 – A more traditional studio set up lit by two Gridded strip boxes at either side of Carla with with the one to Camera left slightly more angled at about 45 degrees and the other side on.
Finally some portraits with the Gridded Beauty dish still with a strip light to the side to give some fill.
I huge thank you to Carla for what was an amazing shoot. Hopefully back in Malmesbury soon.